Shutting Down Hunting and Fishing is an Overreach of State Authority
The United States has long valued hunting and fishing as outdoor sports central to our identity and culture. The practices are steeped in tradition and have been a method for families and sporting enthusiasts to enjoy our country’s natural wonders, put food on the table, and manage wildlife. About half of American gun owners identity hunting as the primary reason for owning a firearm. As governments implement restrictions to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, whether states can legally shut down hunting and fishing has become a relevant question.
Fish For Free in Colorado This Weekend
Once again, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife is inviting resident and nonresident anglers of all ages to participate in its annual Free Fishing Weekend on June 6 and 7. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to fish the amazing rivers, streams, creeks, and lakes that Colorado has to offer. Bring a friend, bring your child or someone that’s never experienced the joy of fishing, this is the perfect time to try out the sport of fishing and also spend some quality time outdoors.