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It’s that time of the year, time to get out and look for those elk and deer sheds. Well at least here in Arizona, you boys up North may have to wait for a little more snow to melt off. You don’t have to find a shed to have a great time in the outdoors but it gives you a great excuse to go.
We’ve been combining our shed hunting with predator calling. The calling has gone better than the shed hunting. From four different sets yesterday we called one coyote. He came right to my buddy but because of some brush he couldn’t shoot. My shot was after he spooked and he was running all out. Get out there today and save a fawn shoot a coyote.
A new website I just found and thought you might be interested in, it’s called http://www.huntfortruth.org/site/. This site has been examining the validity of the environmentalist’s claims that lead found in bullets are causing lead poisoning in our wildlife. I would recommend you check it out.
The gun control battle is heating up with false claims being made left and right by those who favor restricting our 2nd Amendment rights. Get involved and call your representative, join the NRA, The Citizens Committee to Keep and Bear Arms, the Safari Club, or the 28 other major hunting and wildlife organizations who are fighting for our rights as gun owners and hunters.
Now that big game tags from the various states are becoming available and some of you are planning a guided trip for that dream hunt in a remote part of the country you’ll need to thoroughly check the prospective outfitter’s credentials and his references. Once you have agreed with the conditions of the hunt and before you sign the contract you owe it to yourself to have a good wildlife attorney review the contract. The cost of this service is small when compared to the overall cost of the hunt. Many things can and will go wrong during a hunt such as weather, sickness, and bad outfitters and guides so cover your bases before signing on the dotted line. And outfitters by having a good solid contract with your clients you can avoid misunderstandings and hard feelings and look forward to years of repeat customers.