Kendall Jones
It started with a young woman enjoying a treasured past-time with her family. It ended with that same family hearing strangers offering money for explicit pictures of their daughter, their sister. People publicly called for her death in various ways and even exclaimed that they would exact revenge in other, more horrifying ways. Why were people who had no idea who this young lady was so perfectly content to assault her and her family with threats of pain and suffering? Because she had gone hunting.
That’s it. She and her family went on a fully legal hunting trip in Africa and posted the pictures online to her Facebook page. For this crime, Facebook labeled her photos "inhumane" and supportive of "animal abuse" and promptly removed them. Other Facebook users took to the internet in droves, pitchforks at the ready, to make an example of this poor woman. A man running for office in a state halfway across the country publicly offered $100,000 for explicit pictures of the young woman, Kendall Jones.
Notwithstanding the obvious problems with threatening an avid hunter with violence of any kind, I wonder how many of the internet activists have daughters, little sisters, or wives they would want subjected to the kinds of things they have said to Kendall Jones. It sickens me and the members of our firm to see the capacity for violence and depravity that our fellow Americans are capable of. These "activists" hang their hats on a hook of "animal rights" and "vegan lifestyles," as if to say that enforcing the rights of a legal game animal would somehow justify forcible sexual assault, grievous bodily harm, emotional distress, or murder. If you think I would exaggerate as to the threats she and her family has received, and you think you can stomach true depravity, you’re welcome to search out the articles and ensuing comments but I will not be giving those comments any additional attention.
At Wildlife Lawyers, we are dedicated to the preservation of the outdoor pursuits so deeply engrained in American tradition. It takes people like Ms. Jones to sustain and support these traditions and for this, we applaud her. Having worked with many international and domestic hunters in the past, we know the challenges she is facing and wish her Godspeed in dealing with her situation. Congratulations on the fine animals harvested and happy hunting to Ms. Jones, her family, and all the hunters across the world.